
Aiyani (eye-YAWN-ee) Mersai (mer-SEYE, not mer-SAY)

Aiyani stands 5’9″ barefoot and thinks Thrifty’s Chocolate Malted Crunch Ice Cream is the absolute best ice cream available.   After living in NYC for 5 1/2 years, Aiyani returned to her home town and earned her Masters Degree from the College of Life by giving birth to twins and marrying the-one-that-got-away. The twins are now 7, the newest guy is 4 1/2 years, and she still looks at her husband like he is McDreamy – whether he sees the glances or not. She is the founder, owner, and solo-practitioner of a spa in the center of her hometown.

These are some of her stories

The blog portion of this website reflects Aiyani’s opinion and her experiences.  Some names are real, some have been changed.  If a post is password protected it is meant for someone specific to read.  Please respect the level of chosen privacy. 

  1. Hey you.I was just thinking back through the years, remembering what I can of them and you popped in my mind! So I thought I’d send a little hello ; )… Always, Courtney (Coho) Davis

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